Lumhaa 09-Nov-2022



Improv Auditions for first years

College was a time to get out of our comfort zone, so I decided to try out for something totally new. Or 24 things new, to be...more


Pregaming with Tri Chi!

The night before our junior year tailgate! Turned down the lights; and turned up the sparkle.


My Lifeline - Akito

Congratulations . The World awaits you and may God bless you for making me the Happiest and Proudest Girlfriend in the World.


Superstar Emma

You’re a Superstar Graduate in every way. We can’t wait to watch you shine as you enter the next exciting chapter in your life....more


Congratulations Sato

Greet the Future with Anticipation . Dream big and work hard. Remember your Roots , Manners and the way home . Congratulations and...more


David Gets his Vish

Congratulations David and Victoria for your Graduation and Marriage . Thank God you guys are finally getting Married. From School to...more


Skipping Orientation 🤫

We were in what felt like lecture #7492739 about how to conduct ourselves on campus. I didn’t really know anyone yet, but a few of...more


Class of 2019

Today is your day , You're off to great places , You're off and away . You will be missed Class of 2019



Richmond Bagin , Amir Gladson , Brett Kittles , Jose Bell , Charlie Barnes , Bob

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